Equal parts artists, geologists, botanists, and archaeologists, we are self-taught collaborators who pride ourselves on upcycling our own materials from nature and creating something entirely new. Each chime is built around a group of shards which originate in fault zones of the volcanic, high desert regions of Oregon and other northwest sites. We spend about ten weeks of the year in the field, slowly excavating the obsidian, piece by piece, using hand tools. These shards of obsidian emit a sound that is pleasing, harmonious and sometimes haunting. The seed pods, seeds, thorns, flowers, antler and bone are found primarily in the southwestern United States and we harvest most of these in spring and fall. As we travel throughout the United States for art shows, we continue to find new and interesting bits of nature to create new designs. Back in the studio, we love to combine our materials in strange and surprising ways. Some materials are used exactly as found; others are carved, drilled, filed or polished, but all remain true to the original form, echoing Nature herself.
We reside in a quaint old neighborhood in Portland, Oregon and work from a small studio adjacent to our home. We are avid collectors of craft ourselves and enjoy playing with all sorts of mediums as we make art with our amazing grandchildren.
Richard was formerly a jewelry designer and maker, studied geology and art and came from a family of landscape architects and artists. Deborah has a background in business and herbology and came from a family of gardeners. Combined skills, interests and love of nature have contributed to our artistic vision.